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APPQ - Accountants Personality Profile

"Our team used Accountest as an assessment tool for all our existing Senior Account Managers. Not only were we able to evaluate their current skillset and determine their “grinder”, “minder” or "finder" mindset or personality, we used the evaluation as a launching point to start coaching them to become the best accountant possible in their particular setting and style. Great service and fantastic results that we can use now and in the future during recruitment of new team members!"
Jane Lyall, Chief of Staff - Streamline Accounting


"If you want to scale your accounting firm business you need to be confident in the people you bring on to the team. Accountests has been a great help in giving our members this assurance during the recruitment process whether they are hiring locally or remotely"
Brenton Ward - CEO and Cofounder - WIZE, AU

APPQ - Accountants Personality Profile


Accountants Personality Profile

Why Use Personality Questionnaires When Recruiting? 

Valid and reliable personality assessments quickly uncover the soft skills associated with success in accounting and bookkeeping roles.   

Accountant Personality Profile Questionnaire (APPQ) 

The APPQ is the first accountant-specific personality questionnaire in the world.   

Focusing on the behaviours and traits associated with success in a changing world of accounting first identified by the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) in their landmark 2016 study and founded on the Big-5 model of personality, APPQ provides a rapid and reliable assessment of whether your candidate is likely to add value to your organization. 


Key Features 

  • Specific focus on Accounting Ethics, Relationships, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Handling Change & Stress Tolerance  
  • Suitable for Accountants, Bookkeepers, Managers and Admin/Support Staff 
  • Online assessment, with instant reporting 
  • Typically takes 20 minutes to complete 
  • Interview questions to address areas of concern 
  • Personal/professional development plans to get new staff effective quicker 
  • Reports readily interpreted by you, with online support when needed
  • Each test purchased allows you to test one candidate


Consider Suitability for Promotion or a New Role - Finders / Minders / Grinders

How will your candidate cope with managing a team, being responsible for client relationships and finding new work? Not familiar with the concept of Finders, Minders and Grinders? Check out what the guys at Karbon have to say.

Compare your candidate's report to our ideal profiles to identify those who Find the work, Mind (Manage) the work, and Grind out the information (Do The Work!).

Is your candidate naturally a Finder, Minder or Grinder, and what role do you see them in? See our Finder / Minder / Grinder page.


Test Your Team!

If you want to understand the profile of all or part of your team check out our APPQ Teams page.


Watch a 2 Minute Video giving an introduction to APPQ

APPQ Sample Report 


When your candidate has completed the test you can use these Interpretation Videos to help understand more about their test report.

What our clients are saying

Here's what some of Accountests clients tell us

"If you want to scale your accounting firm business you need to be confident in the people you bring on to the team. Accountests has been a great help in giving our members this assurance during the recruitment process whether they are hiring locally or remotely"

Brenton Ward

CEO and Cofounder - WIZE, AU

"Accountantests has assisted us in revamping our graduate recruitment process by helping us make informed decisions not just by assisting us with assessing their knowledge but also ensuring the right cultural fit, with their newly developed personality tests. Furthermore, it helps us with intermediate and senior appointments to make the right decision for the team – it gives us the confidence that the candidates will be an excellent cultural fit and skill-wise hit the mark. We highly recommend the team at Accountantests; besides the ease of using the tests, they provide tremendous client-centric customer service to our team!"

Stephany Dobbelstein, HR Manager

Moore Australia, Perth, AU

"I love the fact that my national office are getting behind this & we are able to take the blinkers off when we are recruiting. If this help others avoid the pitfalls that I have had with recruiting then it is money well spent. "

Chelsea Sanginiti, Director

First Class Accounts, Queensland, AU

"This thorough testing process allows us to choose the very best. Given the cost involved in a mis-hire, taking the time to determine whether a candidate has the required technical skill set to do the job we are advertising for is critical"

Carmen Morris, Owner & Accountant

On The Money Bookkeeping, Melbourne, AU

"The service offered by Accountests has been a game changer for our recruitment of professional staff. The ability to quickly assess the relevant technical skills of candidates has significantly improved our decision making process."

Chris Roos, Partner

PKF Mack, West Perth, AU

"I recently used Accountests as we were looking for a way to assess technical management accountant ability to supplement our interviews of shortlisted candidates. It helped inform our decision and would definitely use it again."

Amanda Michael, Faculty Finance

Monash University, Melbourne, AU

"The tool was great and formed a good part of the pre-employment process for us."

Danielle Dwyer, HR Manager

Flavorite Flavour for Life, Melbourne, AU

"The testing gives me a lot of confidence I can choose the correct candidate."

Jason Brown, Director

Integra Business Advisors, South Perth WA, AU

"The candidate we hired, is doing a fantastic job in the role with us. Her skills and knowledge seem to be at the right level for what we need, and she’s bringing new ideas about how to improve our bookkeeping too.

We are really happy with the how the testing allowed us to distinguish between candidates and it seems to have led us (along with interviews and other recruitment and induction processes) to us a great staff member who is happy in the role and doing a great job."

Fiona Thomas, Financial Adviser and General Manager

Ethinvest, AU

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