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Benefits of Personality Testing in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

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As we move away from the traditional office towards a hybrid and remote workplace, it is important to understand the potential benefits of personality testing in this new environment. Personality tests can be used to assess role suitability, identify work styles, and support career development and hiring. They also prompt conversations around where and how to provide support for those working away from the office while recognizing employees as unique individuals. But what makes an accurate and rigorous personality test? A recent article by Emma Goldberg over at the New York Times got us thinking...


How Can Personality Tests Support Employee Success? 

Personality tests have become a $2 billion dollar industry over the past two decades, with more organizations utilizing them to assess role suitability for both employees and applicants alike. Firms are using these tests to identify key strengths and weaknesses within their teams which can be used to match roles with people who are best suited for them. In addition, these tests can provide insight into how team members interact with one another and how they can be better supported when working remotely or in hybrid settings. 

Another benefit of personality testing is that it can help foster job satisfaction by providing a deeper understanding of individual work styles. This understanding can lead to improved job performance as well as increased motivation among workers. Recently, a firm in Miami FL using our APPQ personality profile (designed specifically for accountants) successfully supported one senior manager on their track to partnership by addressing and coming up with a plan agreed between partners and the staff member, supported by the objective evidence provided in their profile report. Additionally, firms may use personality testing during the hiring process in order to determine if an applicant is a good fit for their desired position. By doing so, firms can ensure that they are bringing on board individuals who will thrive in their organization’s culture. 


Are Personality Tests Accurate? 

With so many different types of personality tests being used today, it is important to ask if these tests are accurate representations of an individual's traits or behaviors. It is critical that any test being utilized by a firm should meet rigorous standards in terms of accuracy and reliability. To ensure accuracy, look for assessments that have been tested on large samples of people from various cultural backgrounds; this way you can trust that your results are reflective of your true self rather than just a generalization based on limited data points. Tests leveraging the "Big Five" personality traits are considered a gold standard. Additionally, make sure that assessments are up-to-date with current trends; many firms have begun relying heavily on technology which means certain skillsets may be more valuable than others depending on the industry you’re in.  


As we move forward into the post-pandemic era of work, it is essential that firms invest in tools like personality testing that will help them maximize employee success and satisfaction—both inside and outside the office walls. By leveraging accurate and reliable assessments, such as the APPQ, to identify strengths and weaknesses amongst team members as well as prospective hires, employers can ensure that they have assembled a workforce capable of achieving great things—even when working remotely or in hybrid settings. Recognizing employees as human beings first rather than just cogs within a machine, firms will no doubt be better equipped for whatever challenges come their way next! 



About the Authors

Giles Pearson FCA was a PwC Partner for 18 years before jointly setting up Accountests.  

Steve Evans has a whole career dedicated to enabling employers to attract, recruit, develop and retain talented individuals and teams, with particular expertise in candidate testing and assessment before setting up Accountests.

Accountests deliver the world’s only online suite of annually updated and country-specific technical knowledge tests designed by accountants for accountants and bookkeepers. 

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